
Understand about the main events and phases of Kanna

Overview of the Ages

1- Genesis - 2022 and 2023

This era marks the beginning of our economy, it is here that the first definitions on business modeling aimed at understanding how we can create mechanics that maximize the potential impact generated by Kanna, creation of our regulatory structure, development of the first smart contracts, creation and promotion of our community, etc.

At this stage, all business, legal, supply rules and smart contract assumptions are being validated and prepared for the creation of the first contract. During this period, it will be possible to reserve your token at a promotional price in the pre-sale and private-sale round.

2- Exodus - 2023 and 2024

After the pre-launch, the token can be sold on Centralized Exchanges if there is still cash in the treasury, in addition to working to bring the other applications to the stake pool provided for here in the white paper.

It is also during this period that we will start growing hemp to revitalize the soil. We intend to start our operation with about one hectare and gradually increase the space. Along with the cultivation, comes the development of the ballast validation process that will serve to bring in 2023 the soil ballast and reference to the removal of CO2.

3- Counquer - 2025 and 2027

This era marks the beginning of Kanna's expansion process to new regions, aiming to spread the impact on soils that need the revitalization process around the world. This will make the token even more efficient as we expand the cultivation area and work to develop different applications and utilities for the asset.

Efficiency=ImpactArea/TotalSupplyEfficiency = Impact Area / Total Supply

In 2025, we also intend to intensify the passing of the baton from Corporate Governance to the Community, creating policies, robots and tools to make this possible and for the community to increasingly feel ownership of the asset and encourage Open Source development.

In the future we want to open our applications to other impact tokens and expand the hemp trade to other markets, it may be necessary to develop other refinement processes for the plant, which can be sold directly to the end user.

Upcoming Challenges

Today we are in the genesis phase, moving towards the last deliveries all strategic documentation of positioning, technology, fundraising and company operation are being finalized. Among these deliveries and documents are

Pre-Sale KNN Token Today people can go to the website, connect their wallet or pay in pix and be among the first people to acquire the project's tokens.

Private Sale We are looking for angel investors and supporters engaged in our purpose who are interested in acquiring larger amounts of tokens (above 20 thousand), for more information contact

Token listing (IDO) Moment of liquidity generation for the market where people will be able to trade the token for free trade. This event is scheduled for the end of the first half of 2023.

Last updated