Introduction to Hemp

Hemp is one of the most Eco-efficient plants on the Planet, its technology and properties can generate high environmental and social impact.

Hemp cultivation has been increasingly accepted and many countries such as the USA, Canada, Uruguay, Paraguay, among others, have already adhered to legalization for several reasons, including: medicinal, economic, social and environmental.

As a fast-growing plant, hemp was responsible for most of the paper produced in the world for over 2,000 years. With today's technology, many other purposes are already explored from its cultivation, such as the production of plastic, dermatological creams and even foods with incredible health properties. The list of benefits grows every year.

In hemp's vast potential for sustainable development, three main factors contribute to its popularity: ease and speed of growth, soil revitalization and conversion of CO2 into biomass. hemp applications

As an example in fertile lands, which is the case of Brazil, the period of development of hemp from sowing to harvesting is about four months. One hectare of industrial hemp can absorb up to 15 tons of CO2 each cycle, which makes it one of the best methods of converting CO2 into biomass, equivalent to an efficiency, in addition to the process being about 60x faster through its cycle of Short harvest normally between 4 and 5 months.

Hemp Market Potential

On the world stage, revenue from hemp – medicinal only – has the potential to reach over US$33 billion in the first three years of legal sale.

And taking into account the potential of the plant and its efficiency in the environmental aspect, in addition to the problems related to global warming that we suffer today, the KNN appears, a digital token that serves as ballast for the soil that was benefited by hemp, serving as proof of the positively impacted space. and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.

In addition, upon launch, you can use it to generate collectible badges for early adopters, earn discount coupons on the partner network, access exclusive content groups, live connections, compete for gifts and prizes, etc... Helping the company to raise awareness about hemp.

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